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Board of Directors

The NJ State Legislature established the South Jersey Port Corporation to acquire, construct, improve, operate and maintain terminals within the South Jersey Port District.  South Jersey Port Corporation is in but not of the Department of Treasury. (For more information see P.L. 1998, c. 44 of 06/30/98 effective 08/29/98.)

On January 23, 2008, Governor Corzine signed legislation that increased the South Jersey Port Corporation Board from seven to eleven Directors. This action also added the State Treasurer, ex officio, or the Treasurer’s designated representative who would be a voting member of the Corporation, to the Board. The ten public members must each reside in the Port District.

SJPC Port District is comprised of seven counties:  Mercer, Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, Salem, Cape May and Cumberland.  There are three subdistricts:

Subdistrict 1:  Mercer and Burlington Counties:  Three members
Subdistrict 2:  Camden and Gloucester Counties:  Five members
Subdistrict 3:  Salem, Cape May and Cumberland Counties:  Two members

The SJPC is governed by the Board of Directors, with one directorship currently unfilled. The chair is Richard A. Alaimo who has served on the board since its creation. The other members are: Chad M. Bruner, Gloucester County; Robert A. DeAngelo, Sr., City of Paulsboro; Jonathan S. Gershen, Mercer County; William R. Higgins, Salem County; James MacFarlane, Camden County; Joseph A. Maressa, Jr., Camden County; Eric E. Martins, Mercer County; Sheila Roberts, City of Camden; Rev. Carl E. Styles, Salem County; and Christopher Chianese, designee of the State Treasurer.

SJPC Board of Directors Schedule

Pursuant to the Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975, the following is the schedule of Regular Meetings to be held by the South Jersey Port Corporation’s Board of Directors during the calendar year 2024. These meetings will be held in the boardroom located at 2 Aquarium Drive, Suite 100, Camden, New Jersey 08103.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024 / Regular / 12:30 P.M.
Tuesday, February 27, 2024 / Regular / 12:30 P.M.
Tuesday, March 26, 2024 / Regular / 12:30 P.M.
Tuesday, April 30, 2024 / Regular / 12:30 P.M.
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 / Regular / 12:30 P.M.
Tuesday, July 30, 2024 / Regular / 12:30 P.M.
Tuesday, August 27, 2024 / Regular / 12:30 P.M.
Tuesday, September 24, 2024 / Regular / 12:30 P.M.
Tuesday, October 29, 2024 / Regular / 12:30 P.M.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024 / Regular / 12:30 P.M.

Call-in Information
USA Toll-Free: +13126266799,,86108587083#,,,,*498320#

Please be further advised that the South Jersey Port Corporation has designated the bulletin board at the main gate of its Broadway Terminal, Camden, New Jersey as its official place for posting and maintaining a schedule of its meetings.

SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Minutes & Agendas

SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – 12.02.14: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Regular Session Minutes – 12.02.14: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – 10.28.14: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Regular Session Minutes – 10.28.14: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Special Session Minutes – 10.22.14: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – 09.29.14: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Regular Session Minutes – 09.29.14: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – 08.26.14: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Regular Session Minutes – 08.26.14: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – 07.29.14: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Regular Session Minutes – 07.29.14: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Special Session Minutes – 07.10.14: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – 06.17.14: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Regular Session Minutes – 06.17.14: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Special Session Minutes – 05.14.14: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – 04.29.14: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Regular Session Minutes – 04.29.14: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – 03.25.14: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Regular Session Minutes – 03.25.14: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – 02.25.14: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Regular Session Minutes – 02.25.14: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – 01.28.14: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Regular Session Minutes – 01.28.14: Download

SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – 2.3.15: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – 2.3.15: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – 2.24.15: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – 2.24.15: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – 3.31.15: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – 3.31.15: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – 4.28.15: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – 4.28.15: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – 6.16.15: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – 6.16.15: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Special Meeting Agenda – 7.15.15: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Special Meeting Minutes – 7.15.15: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – 7.28.15: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – 7.28.15: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – 8.25.15: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – 8.25.15: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – 9.29.15: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Special Meeting Agenda – 10.5.15: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – 10.27.15:  Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – 10.27.15:  Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – 12.8.15: Download
SJPC Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – 12.8.15: Download


SJPC Amended and Restated By-Laws

SJPC Amended and Restated By-Laws: DOWNLOAD